Playing your own game

When we truly love and respect ourselves, we make choices that align with our inner truth, leading to more joy, fulfillment, and peace. When people seem to disrespect us  or ignore our needs, it is sometimes simply because we have never clearly told them what we need in the first place. 

Eilat finds using the metaphor of a tennis court very useful in talking about boundaries. In relationships, your feelings, reactions, or behaviours are on your side of the court and are your responsibility - and also therefore in your power. If we keep running around to the other side of the court and playing someone else’s game - we cannot play our best game. 

This notion of playing your own game requires deep introspection and a commitment to nurturing our inner lives. It is a process of reclaiming our power and owning our decisions, rather than being driven by the approval or expectations of others or blaming others. Through this lens, "playing our own game" becomes a radical act of love, where our choices reflect the person we are becoming rather than the person the world expects us to be.  

Justin Kiley