Embracing Change with Whole Brain® Thinking in the Finance Sector

Recently, CreateConsulting partnered with a dynamic group of executives from a prominent organisation in the finance industry, who were navigating massive change.

As human beings, we often resist change not necessarily because of the change itself, but because of the perceived loss - a part of ourselves that we feel we must give up. When we realise that we have to let go, in order to let come, we begin to move through the change more readily.

Why Whole Brain® Thinking

Facing significant organisational change with a new and diverse team in terms of age and experience, they needed to:

  • Enhance communication and leadership as a team,

  • Develop a common language to effectively handle the dynamics of their evolving work environment, and

  • Leverage the cognitive diversity within the team to boost overall performance.

What we did

Justin Kiley, our Whole Brain® Thinking Master Facilitator, led a one-day workshop focused on Whole Brain® Thinking. This aimed to create a common language that would enhance effective communication and collaboration amid ongoing change.

How we did it

Before the session, each team member completed the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI) assessment to understand their thinking preferences. This preparation paved the way for a productive full-day session, which included digital debriefs and helping participants understand how their unique thinking profiles influence the way they behave and respond to change. Insights from the debrief were immediately put into practice, with exercises aimed at improving the team’s communication and collaboration skills.

Whole Brain® Thinking provides a language for personal and professional development starting with (but not limited to) the HBDI® assessment.

The engagement was met with enthusiasm and commitment from everyone. 

Justin reflects on the experience: "I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to work with such a motivated group of people who were all excited about being a part of this team and who unreservedly wanted to leverage their unique thinking preferences and expertise to add significant value to the team and the organisation.”

Interested in unlocking your team's full potential? Connect with us to discover how our Whole Brain® Thinking workshops can help.

Justin Kiley